Who we are

I’m Kate, Andersonville, Chicago’s (not-so) friendly neighborhood aro-ace. I started #AforAce on a whim after I found out a local LGBTQIA+ org said the A stood for ally, not ace. #AforAce isn’t a registered nonprofit or an LLC or a company. It’s just me, plus any person willing to help out.

The goal is simple: Spread ace & aflux awareness. I didn’t hear about the term “ace” until I was in my 20s, and I often think about all the little aces out there just like me, confused and without the verbiage or understanding of who I was.

Here are my hopes for #AforAce:

  1. We spread awareness of asexuality & the aflux spectrum, including greys & demis.

  2. We provide resources and education to anyone who wants it, at no cost.

  3. We reach out to youth who want to explore their identity and learn more about asexuality.

Need help? Resources? Someone to talk to? Reach out. We’re here for ya.

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