Stats on Aces:

From Prevalence to Preferences

Here are some statistics about asexual people, with sources for more information:

Ace in the UK 2025 Survey Findings:

  • One in four (23%) participants believed asexuality is a mental health problem

  • Two in five (42%) respondents believe people cannot be asexual if they have sex

  • A quarter (26%) believe asexual people just haven’t met the right person yet

  • One in nine (11%) go as far as saying they don’t believe asexual people exist

  • Seven in 10 (71%) people included in the study say asexual people should be protected by legislation

  • 73% say they’d be comfortable if their child was asexual

Read the full report


  • Approximately 1-2% of the adult population identifies as asexual.

  • Source: Various studies, including the Williams Institute.

  • A 2021 study by the Williams Institute found that 1.7% of sexual minority adults identify as asexual.

Gender Identity:

  • Asexual individuals identify across the gender spectrum, including cisgender men, cisgender women, and non-binary individuals.

  • A majority of asexual individuals are assigned female at birth.

  • Source: The Trevor Project's research on asexual and ace spectrum youth.

Mental Health:

Asexual individuals often face unique mental health challenges due to societal stigma, misunderstanding, and isolation. Studies have shown that asexual people are more likely to experience:

  • Higher rates of anxiety and depression:

  • A 2020 Trevor Project survey found that asexual youth reported higher rates of depression and anxiety compared to the overall LGBTQ+ sample.

  • Increased risk of suicidal ideation and attempts:

  • While specific data on asexual individuals and suicide attempts is limited, studies on LGBTQ+ youth, which often include asexual individuals, have shown higher rates of suicidal ideation and attempts.

  • Social isolation and loneliness:

  • Asexuality is often misunderstood or dismissed, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

  • Difficulty forming romantic relationships:

  • Societal expectations and pressures to be in romantic relationships can be particularly challenging for asexual individuals who may not experience romantic attraction.

It's important to note that while these are common challenges, not all asexual individuals experience them. Many asexual people lead fulfilling and happy lives. However, it's crucial to recognize the unique mental health needs of the asexual community and provide appropriate support and resources.

  • Source: The Trevor Project's research on asexual and ace spectrum youth.

Romantic Orientation:

  • Asexual individuals can experience a wide range of romantic orientations, including aromanticism, biromanticism, panromanticism, and heteroromanticism.

It's important to note that these are general estimates, and individual experiences can vary widely. As awareness and understanding of asexuality grow, more specific research may emerge to provide a clearer picture of the experiences and challenges faced by this community.


Legal Challenges Facing Asexual Individuals


Asexual History: A Brief Timeline